I have a passion for creating interesting digital imagery. It's the emotional element that I'm drawn to, whether it comes from the subject or the emotional response elicited from the imagery.
I believe a talented photographer, one who truly understands the importance of light, composition, and storytelling, can capture visually interesting images of a variety of subjects. With that being said, one should focus on what they know and are passionate about to do their best work.
Although technology today has made it easy for anyone to take a snapshot, sometimes the end result is less than desirable. I truly believe that a great photo isn't taken, it's created.
Fun facts:
Both my parents were artists. My father was a commercial artist and my mother was a gallery owner and fine artist, specializing in oil and water color paintings.
Children inspire me. Their curiosity, honesty, and imagination reminds me to learn something new everyday, be true to myself, and to think outside the box.
I can't stop listening to Bob Schneider's music.
I'm originally from the Chicagoland area. Go Cubs Go! Da Bears! Thankfully, the Cubs and Bears won a championship during my lifetime. Planning a trip to Chicago? Check out my blog post on my top ten things to do in Chicago.
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